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Our goal is to create opportunities where there are few. 


“Muay Thai is my life. It gave me a chance to have a future - and I want to create the same opportunity for others”

— Pele Sarawut, Founder

Thailand is a beautiful country but suffers from widespread poverty, poor education, and a lack of development. Kids growing up in the villages of Isaan, North East Thailand know this better than anyone; they live it every day.

Faced with a lack of development, extremely poor education, and often drug problems too - those who get into sport are considered the lucky ones. It provides a focus, a skill, and a way of making money. 


But, more often than not there is nowhere to train, no equipment to use, or trainers to learn from. 

We are planning to change this. We will build a training gym for Muay Thai to support young underprivileged people in these villages. It will be a place for these boys and girls to go, which will provide a roof over their heads, the opportunity to socialise, learn discipline, develop skills, build self-esteem and most of all - the chance to believe in a better future, something we believe everyone deserves.

We strive to empower these young people through a combination of education and training. We are building a training gym, setting up fight nights, and bringing in teachers and coaches so that we can equip them with the skills and belief that they can have a better life.

Ultimately, our aim is to create opportunities for them to take steps towards a better future - and to believe in themselves.


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